1033 Tucker St.

Williamsport, PA  17701

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March 2025


8:15 AM  Connections Cafe   Hot beverages and treats in the conference room. Come early for fellowship!


9:00 & 10:30 AM  Worship Celebration Service

Online access is available for the 9:00 worship service. To join by computer or smartphone, click on this link: Faith Wesleyan Worship Service.  You can also join by cell phone or landline telephone by dialing:1-301-715-8592 and use this meeting ID# when prompted: 570 322 3547. Pre-service fellowship and post-service fellowship is encouraged! 


10:30 AM  Children's Ministries for children age one through 4th grade. Parents may register their children in the fellowship hall upon arrival.

10:30 AM  A staffed nursery is available for infants age birth - 1 yr. old.  Children's Ministries for children age one through 4th grade. Parents may register their children in the fellowship hall upon arrival.

The Infant Nursery Room (B-5) is available to parents during the 9:00 service in order to meet the needs of their infants. 

10:30 AM  Youth Discipleship (grades 5 - 12)  The youth will meet in the conference room after the church announcements.  (No youth discipleship classes on March 9 & 16)