(Grades 5 - 12)
Youth Meetings
"Sunday Night Live" meetings at Faith Wesleyan are from 6:00 - 7:30. There are also off-site events, as scheduled. Parents - please check your email each week for details on youth group meetings and activities!
Effective Youth Ministry...
♦ Is a bridge from parental spiritual formation (I believe because my mom and dad believe) to adult missional discipleship (I believe because I have investigated the options and have chosen to believe and follow Jesus Christ.)
♦ Provides spiritual formation for teens not raised in an intentional Christian environment.
♦ Continues to reinforce spiritual formation while introducing the tension of critical thinking - the process necessary for the development of genuine and defendable belief and discipleship.
♦ Builds belonging (group identity, acceptance, affirmation, and inspiration) through relational depth.
♦ Promotes healthy pay-it-forward inclusiveness for young and new youth group members.
♦ Provides opportunities for meaningful service and sacrifice.
♦ Engages students in study, activity, and service that seeks to guard, develop, and deploy the 5 investments:
- Heart / Emotional
- Mind / Mental
- Soul / Spiritual
- Strength / Physical
- Relationships / Relational
So what happens at a Youth Group gathering? These things always happen:
♦ Teaching
♦ Prayer
♦ Thanksgiving
♦ Fellowship
♦ Jr. / Sr. Breakouts
♦ Food
And sometimes these things happen:
♦ Goofy Games
♦ Special Speakers
♦ Crazy Activities
♦ Crafts
♦ Team Trivia
Don't Miss It!
A discipleship class is offered to students on Sunday mornings during the 10:30 service. The youth are actively part of the church. They can be found volunteering in children's ministry, serving on the worship team, and taking part in other church projects.
Special events and activities are held throughout the year. We participate in Winter Jam (March), District Youth Camp (July), and Follow (every 4 years). Throughout the year, there will be opportunities to attend off-site fellowship events. In the past, our students have served with Habitat for Humanity, attended concerts, music festivals, conferences, and have served with several local community organizations.