At Faith Wesleyan, we have defined discipleship as . . .
Experiencing and engaging God’s transformational grace (Word, Prayer, Spirit, Body, Mission) at relational depth (crowd, group, core).
Transformational grace flows to us from God as we study His Word, commune with Him in prayer, yield to the infilling presence of His Holy Spirit, fellowship with the Body of Christ and participate in the mission of God.
Each level of Relational depth provides unique and essential discipleship dynamics. At the crowd level we rejoice, at the group level we relate, and at the core level we reveal.
Currently, Faith Wesleyan is engaging its adult believers in discipleship through . . .
Worship Celebrations: these crowd level opportunities are open to the public and are offered every Sunday morning at 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM.
Welcome Ministries: as our part of our crowd level opportunities, we also provide specific ministries to help our first time guests and new attenders connect to the church family. These include: a welcome center, welcome events, and special introductory seminars and fellowship events.
House Fellowships: These group level opportunities are led by an approved Core Team and meet in homes once a month on Sunday mornings.
Grace Studies: These group level opportunities are held as scheduled and are led by approved teachers and facilitators. The goal of each Grace Study is to help the adult believer gain proficiency in one of the five transformational graces.
Group Studies and Support Groups: These group level opportunities are held as scheduled and are led by approved teachers and facilitators. They address a wide variety of topics and life needs.
DNA Core Groups: These core group level opportunities are organized and facilitated by the church and are led by a trained DNA Leader. They meet weekly as scheduled by the group.